5 Ideas for Observing MS Awareness Month

Every week approximately 200 people are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

Since there isn't a cure and research is fairly new, March is MS Awareness Month.

This disorder completely disrupts the lives of all types of people, from professionals to students, moms, dads, and more. 

Here's how you can get involved. 

Join Local Walks and Bike Events 

There are dozens of walks and bike events in cities across America in support of MS sufferers. These events aim to raise funds for research. 

Workplaces can coordinate groups of interested employees. Businesses have the option of keeping things low-key and simply paying for employee entry fees. Or, they can attempt to get sponsors and raise more money for the cause. 

While there are many walks and bike events happening around MS Month, "Walk MS" is the most recognizable event. Walk MS events happen nationwide in the weeks leading up to and after MS month. While "Walk MS" events cater to everyone.

"Challenge Walk MS" are multi-day events that cover an upward of 50 miles. If walking or running for multiple days isn't your thing, there are also multi-day "Bike MS events." These cover even longer distances. 

Conferences and Speakers

There are dozens of in-person and virtual gatherings around MS month. Topics range from learning how to cope with life with MS, learning about the latest research and news, or how to offer support.

The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America hosts many webinars, podcast episodes, and speaking from cutting-edge experts. All of these events are accessible virtually, making it possible to get involved, wherever you are. 

There are many MS organizations that range from local to global. These all host physical annual conferences and meetings in addition to smaller-scale webinars and events throughout the year.  

For example, the National MS Society Public Policy Conference takes place in Washington D.C. and hosts over 300 events focused on support and activism. The consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers is based in Orlando and targets caretakers and clinicians providing care for those diagnosed with MS. 

Volunteer for MS Awareness Month

Bike races and multi-day conferences aren't for everyone. But, there are many ways to get involved that don't require a massive commitment. 

A simple Google search will direct you to your local MS community where you'll likely find many ways to offer support. When you reach out to your local organization, they'll likely guide you to the volunteer opportunities where they need help the most. 

Some opportunities might include peer counseling in person or on the phone. Other organizations might need help fundraising or with activism. They might ask you to call local politicians to help move legislation to make communities more accessible and inclusive.   

You can also get involved with clinical trials. Checking out clinicaltrials.gov for MS research is a great starting place. But, you can also reach out to the leading universities studying MS.

Getting Involved with MS Treatments 

There is a way for everyone to get involved with MS awareness month. Those who are currently diagnosed can help newly diagnosed patients. Loved ones of those diagnosed can offer support to other families. For more tips on how to help the disabled in your community, check out our latest articles. Click here

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