Government Assistance for Handicapped People: What You Need to Know
61 million adults in the U.S. are living with a disability. If you are or are caring for one of those 1 in 4, you may be looking for ways to get help. There are actually many types of government assistance for handicapped individuals.
Make sure you are getting the most out of your options and staying informed about any changes. Keep reading to learn what to know about government assistance for handicapped people.
If you or your loved one is disabled, you may be eligible for affordable housing, rental assistance, subsidized housing, and Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher programs. Find out the specifics for each program.
A Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Voucher may be possible. This voucher helps those who are not seniors but are disabled. They can get housing in a community that is usually for seniors only.
When buying a home, a Homeownership Voucher can help you receive monthly assistance for paying your mortgage.
In rural areas, the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a rural development program. This program offers loans and grants for modifying a home. This will better suit the needs of you or your family member.
Veterans with disabilities related to service or age might be eligible for grants. These grants can be used to build and modify their homes.
As a person with a disability, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), protects you legally from discrimination. This gives you the right to special accommodations if need be including air, trains, and bus.
Contact your state's vocational rehabilitation agency if you need help buying a vehicle. They can also help you when modifying a vehicle. They can give you information about how to get loans and grants that can cover costs for wheelchair accessible vehicles. They can also provide help with how to operate accessible vehicles. This includes other mobility products as well. You can also contact your local BraunAbility Dealer if you have any questions.
The Department of Veterans Affairs can help veterans with disabilities pay for vehicle modifications.
Insurance and Care
The government provides three options for healthcare if you are differently-abled.
Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide health insurance for low-income families.
Medicare gives those under 65 with certain disabilities health insurance.
The Affordable Care Act Marketplace is another option that provides health insurance.
The federal government has many jobs for persons with disabilities. These hiring processes are called Schedule A positions and come with many benefits.
The government offers many programs to help train people and help find them jobs. Some of these include Ticket to Work, AbilityOne, Job Corps, and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN).
Your right to work and accommodations are protected through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Learn more about how you are protected on the Office of Disability Employment's website.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that free and appropriate public education must be provided to kids under 18 with disabilities.
The Office for Federal Student Aid can provide information about grants or loans that you may be qualified for. Your specific school may have more information about assistance programs.
Additional Government Assistance for Handicapped
There are also many state and local government programs that you could qualify for. Contact your area's government for more information about those programs.
Non-profit agencies will provide assistance as well. Search your area and the web to find assistance from these agencies.
Meet Your Needs With Assistance
Persons with disabilities have many rights and legal obligations for appropriate accommodations. There are many programs dealing with government assistance for handicapped that are not covered in this article.
Check out our other resources for more information for improving your life and we welcome you to the BraunAbility family!

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