Turny Evo Swivel Car Seat

Accessible Home and Vehicle Modifications 

Mobility Solutions for Your Home and Vehicle

Transforming your home with handicap home equipment and your travel with vehicle mobility solutions can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are new to the mobility space. Unlike other home and vehicle modifications, handicap accessories are extremely individualistic and not one solution will work for everyone. Take, for example, a swivel vehicle seat like the BraunAbility Turny® Evo. This is a vehicle seat that replaces the original car seat and must be programmed to fit each individual customer and and their vehicle to get the user into and out of the vehicle easily. Read on to learn more about it, and other home modifications for the accessible lifestyle overhaul.

Stair or Chair Lift for Accessible Home Renovation

Many Americans enjoy the square footage and versatility offered by a two-story home or a home with a basement. However, stairs can be a hazard as we age, and handrails are often not enough to avoid a fall. For those who are not able to move a bedroom to the main level of the home, equipping your stairs with a chair lift can be a cost-effective way to create a safe environment.

Here’s what you should know about chair lifts for your home:

  1. Cheaper units often have a lower weight capacity. Make sure you do your research before purchase and ask questions about what your unit can do.
  2. Higher-end stair lifts often have a slimmer profile. This can allow other home visitors or residents to more easily move around the lift to use the stairs.
  3. Avoid buying online! Like many accessible products, a stair lift should be installed by a professional in your home due to the equipment complexity. Often buyers are lured into purchasing online only to discover the product doesn’t fit their needs, does not work correctly, and there is no method of service after the sale.
  4. You can buy pre-owned chair lifts. This can cut down on the cost of your lift while still have the bonus of being professionally installed. (Also, did you know you could buy pre-owned wheelchair accessible vehicles?)
  5. Custom lifts will raise the price of your installation and rail. Any stairway that requires a curvature will increase the overall cost of your stair lift. Because this requires custom programming, prices can be considerably more – in the $10,000 range. 
  6. You can also purchase outdoor stair lifts. These are often ideal for deck applications and are specially engineered to withstand the elements.

Your home should be a haven, not a hazard when it comes to accessibility. Whether you are aging in your home or you use a wheelchair, these accessible vehicles and home products are simple and effective first steps at improving the mobility in your life.  

Transfer Seat for Car or SUV 

While the home certainly has many aspects that should be addressed for an accessible makeover, your personal transportation also should be made accessible in order to continue connecting with your family and friends and engaging in your community. A BraunAbility Turny Evo is an excellent first step in making a vehicle accessible because it is compatible with over 150 vehicles and can be removed with no lasting damage and re-installed if you sell your vehicle and purchase a new one.


This lift assist technology is programmed to meet the exact measurements of its passenger so that you can ride or drive normally without worrying about injury when entering or exiting the vehicle. It is controlled using a handheld remote or from an app on your smartphone so there is no need for manual labor. The simple design makes using the seat intuitive for users or caregivers of the handicap vehicle transfer seat.


Additionally, the BraunAbility Turny Evo has many add-on options like a chest harness or an armrest that can help in transferring into this rotating car seat for disabled or elderly passengers. Learn more about the BraunAbility Turny Evo and see if it is compatible with your current vehicle. 

Home Handicap Toilet Options

Many people rightly assume one of the first areas that should be addressed to make for an accessible home is investing in a handicap toilet or handicap accessories for a proper handicap bathroom. As mentioned, no one toilet style will work for every person. For example, some older adults may find a higher-than-average toilet easier to lower and rise from, while someone transferring from a wheelchair may find the height more difficult to transfer to and from. However, both individuals may benefit from handicap home equipment like grab bars for a handicap bathroom.


We like this guide from HomeAbility.com that shows the pros and cons of various toilet styles.

Accessible Toilet

Accessible Shower

Wheelchair Accessible Shower for Home

Another aspect of an ADA compliant bathroom is an accessible shower which includes a barrier-free entry and exit and well-positioned safety grab bars to aid in the transfer to and from a wheelchair to a shower seat.

  • Barrier-free entry: the transition between the floor of the bathroom and the floor of the wheelchair accessible shower is seamless to allow someone in a wheelchair to roll in to their needed position to prepare to transfer.

  • Grab bars: Essential to handicap bathroom design are grab bars, which are permanent or semi-permanent handles that are located in areas in which the user may need assistance in moving positions like next to a toilet or along the walls in the shower to aid in transferring.

  • Shower seat: benches that are affixed to the wall for stability or a permanent built-in seat that a user will rest on while washing and rinsing themselves. 

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