Canadian Funding Resources for Wheelchair Accessibility Vehicles and Mobility Products

Explore Canadian funding options and grants tailored to support your journey towards mobility independence.

Searching for Canadian Funding Support for Your Wheelchair Vehicle or Mobility Product Purchase?

Wondering where to find assistance in Canada? Discover tailored financing and funding opportunities for Canadians seeking assistance with wheelchair van and other mobility product purchases. From Provincial grants to national programs, there are resources for you to find support through your funding journey. Options range from government programs to non-profit grants and vary in requirements and the amount of funding available.

Alberta Aids to Daily Living Program (AADL) logo

Alberta Aids to Daily Living Program (AADL)

Helps Albertans with disabilities by providing financial assistance for medical equipment and supplies.



ALS Canada logo

ALS Canada

Helps people diagnosed with ALS achieve access to equipment and assistive devices essential to safety, comfort and function, while living with ALS. 



Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD) logo

Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)

ACSD helps support low to moderate income families fund mobility solutions for children with severe disabilities.



Assistive Devices Program (ADP) logo

Assistive Devices Program (ADP)

ADP helps Ontarians with long-term disabilities pay for mobility solutions and customized equipment such as wheelchairs or home accessibility solutions.

BC Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities logo

BC Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities

The British Columbia Home Renovation Tax Credit can help individuals over 65 and persons with disabilities with the cost of certain home renovations and home accessibility solutions.



BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) logo

BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA)

BC RAHA helps support low-income households with financial help in the form of rebates to complete home adaptation and accessibility solutions for independent living. 



Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Grant logo

Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Grant

The Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Grant supports Manitobans with financial assistance for paying association members of all ages. They provide grants for mobility solutions and specialized equipment to members upon application.


 (204) 982-4842

Cops for Kids logo

Cops for Kids

Cops for Kids is a charitable organization in the British Columbia that assists families with children who have suffered a medical, physical, or traumatic crisis in their young lives. 



Department of Families Manitoba – Employment & Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities logo

Department of Families Manitoba – Employment & Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

The Department of Families Manitoba - Employment & Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities supports Manitobans with mental or physical disabilities with financial assistance for mobility solutions and equipment. 


 Winnipeg: 204-948-4000

 Rural and North: 1-855-944-8111

Easter Seals Canada logo

Easter Seals Canada

Easter Seals Canada is a national organization that supports Canadians living with disabilities to make sure they have access to assistive and adaptive technology through financial assistance. 


 (877) 376-6362

enabling accessibility fund logo

Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)

Provides funding for projects that make Canadian communities and workplaces more accessible for people with disabilities.

Home Repair Program – Adaptation for Independence logo

Home Repair Program – Adaptation for Independence

The Home Repair Program supports Saskatchewanian homeowners or rental property owners with low incomes to make a more accessible home for a person with a housing-related disability.

jordan's principle logo

Jordan’s Principle

Funding program that sets out to ensure First Nations children can receive the products, support, and services they need.



Kin Canada logo

Kin Canada

Some Kin Canada clubs may provide funding for individuals who are purchasing wheelchair accessible vehicles.


 (800) 742-5546

Manitoba Metis Federation logo

Manitoba Metis Federation

Helps support Metis citizens with funding assistance for home accessibility solutions and mobility products. 



Manitoba Possible – Financial Empowerment Program logo

Manitoba Possible – Financial Empowerment Program

Manitoba Possible supports Manitobans by providing financial matching towards mobility products and home accessibility solutions.


 (204) 975-3010

march of dimes canada logo

March of Dimes

Manages the provincial government’s Ministry of Community and Social Services “Home and Vehicle Modification Program” (HVMP). This program funds vehicle modifications through grants of up to $15,000 per decade.  



ms multiple sclerosis society of canada logo
muscular dystrophy canada logo
On-Reserve Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) logo

On-Reserve Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)

Financial support to First Nations and First Nation members to modify homes occupied by persons with disabilities. 



Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) logo

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Helps support Ontarians by funding mobility equipment for those in need. 



Ontario Federation of Cerebral Palsy – Assistive Devices Funding Program logo

Ontario Federation of Cerebral Palsy – Assistive Devices Funding Program

Supports members of the OFCP by providing funding for access to mobility equipment and assistive devices. 



Ontario Works logo

Ontario Works

Ontario Works offers assistance for those who cannot pay the client portion of an assistive device funded by the Assistive Devices Program (ADP). 



Ontario Health Foundation logo

Oracle Health Foundation

A national organization that offers pediatric grants to Canadians in need of mobility equipment, vehicle modification, and more.



Palliative Benefits Program logo

Palliative Benefits Program

Offers support to British Columbia residents who have reached end stage of a life-threatening disease or illness and who wish to receive palliative care at home with funding for mobility solutions.



Province of Manitoba – Disability and Health Supports Unit logo

Province of Manitoba – Disability and Health Supports Unit

Offers support to Manitobans involved in the Employment and Income Assistance Program, the Children’s disABILITY Services Program, or the Community Living disABILITY Services Program with funds for mobility solutions.

Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) logo

Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP)

Supports low-income Albertans with mobility challenges by modifying their home with home accessibility solutions.



Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba logo
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario logo
TeleMiracle – Kinsmen Foundation logo

TeleMiracle – Kinsmen Foundation

Provides financial assistance to Saskatchewanians who are in need of mobility solutions or travel assistance.



Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) logo

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

Offers financial assistance through various programs of choice for eligible veterans to cover mobility aids like wheelchairs or vehicle modifications.



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Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is
dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage
is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is
thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book.

Further Grants and Funding Resources

Explore comprehensive vehicle financing for wheelchair accessible vehicles and mobility equipment with BraunAbility Finance.

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One-on-One Support


With nearly 100 years of financing experience collectively, the BraunAbility Finance Team is the only dedicated financing service from a mobility manufacturer. BraunAbility Finance offers financing services designed specifically for wheelchair accessible vehicles to cover both the cost of the vehicle and of the conversion. Traditional banks and credit unions may offer financing over the vehicle, but their coverage often ends when it comes to securing financing for the accessible conversion.

We’re here to help. When you’re ready, please feel free to email, chat online, or call us at (844) 498-9800 or start with our wheelchair van FAQs.

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