Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Grants for Nonprofits

Is there handicap accessibility grants for nonprofits? 


If you are a nonprofit organization in need of mobility transportation for people with physical disabilities, there are a few options for financial support. The following organizations offer grants for assistance to purchase mobility equipment to help children and adults with physical disabilities.

Handicap Accessibility Grants for Nonprofits

The Alynn Family Foundation

Restricted to 501(c)(3) organization. Requests for grants up to $5,000, which meet the goals and objectives of the Foundation's mission, should be submitted to the trustee. Of special concern to the trustees are the status, condition, and treatment of women, children, minorities and the underprivileged.


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Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation

Nonprofit, charitable organizations may apply. Can be used to cover community health and services, and basic services for at-risk families and children, or general philanthropy.



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