A Guide to Resources for Disabled Veterans

Transitioning back into a civilian lifestyle isn't an easy feat. It's difficult enough without having additional problems on their shoulders. When service members come home from serving in the military, they may have an injury-causing their pain and discomfort.
Nearly half of retired military members are receiving compensation for their service-connected disabilities. This doesn't account for those who aren't seeking treatment at all. These numbers are higher than they were for individuals who served before 9/11. This is a good sign for individuals who should seek treatment for their disabilities as well.
Continue reading through these resources for veterans for more information.
Financial Assistance for Veterans
Veteran financial programs are only one of the things that help veterans to adjust back into civilian life when their service ends.
There are several financial assistance programs available for veterans, including:
- Monthly compensation programs
- Housing assistance
- Assistance with daily living activities
There are even services to help veterans find gainful employment after their service ends.
Some of the homelessness programs available for veterans include:
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- Veterans Affairs Homeless Assistance
- American Legion Homeless Outreach
There are even programs available that help to build homes for veterans, such as Homes for Our Troops.
Disability Services for Veterans
It's possible that your time in the service left you with an injury that is affecting your daily life. There are different services available to help you adjust to coming home. The VA can help those with disabilities file a claim for further compensation:
- Agent Orange Claims
- Cancer Veteran Benefits
- PTSD Veteran Benefits
- Compensation Claims
Some veterans may qualify for a certain percentage of compensation for their injury based on a disability rating scale. The first round of applying for compensation may result in a lower percentage than what you qualify for. You can file an appeal for the VA benefits that you deserve.
Service Dogs
There are so many services that facilitate the process to get a service dog to help with mental health issues including anxiety and PTSD. You can reach out to the following programs such as Patriot Paws, VA Department Service Dogs, or K9s for Warriors. These services are great for those struggling with mobility issues and/or mental health issues.
Mobility for Veterans
Physically handicapped veterans may have ambulation needs that require the use of mobility equipment. BraunAbility can help you find the right mobility products for your situation. We have several wheelchair accessories and even wheelchair-accessible vehicles depending on what you may need.
Resources for Veterans
After serving in the military, you deserve as much help as you need to reassimilate into a civilian lifestyle. There are plenty of resources for veterans available. Your local Office of Veteran's Affairs can help you get started with several of these services.
Check out BraunAbility today to get started. We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about our mobility products.