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BraunAbility Remains the Most Certified Mobility Equipment & Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Manufacturer
NMEDA's Quality Assurance Program (QAP) and Manufacturer Quality Assurance Program (MQAP) was designed to rank and accredit adaptive equipment and their manufacturers. Like a J.D. Power award for performance or the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), QAP is the measure that ensures the accessible vehicle product is safe and reliable. In fact, QAP is the only nationally recognized accreditation for the adaptive mobility equipment industry. BraunAbility is proud to hold more certifications for mobility products than any other NMEDA manufacturer.
NMEDA: Creating An Industry To Be Proud Of
There is, in fact, a non-profit organization that was developed with the express purpose of improving the mobility industry: NMEDA, or the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association.
Did you realize that from the moment you start shopping for wheelchair vans, wheelchair lifts, or any other type of mobility equipment, you have an army of allies in your search for the solution that's just right for your needs?
Everyone at BraunAbility believes it's important to visit a qualified professional mobility dealer when shopping for wheelchair vans or wheelchair lifts to ensure that the equipment you are investing in is customized properly for your specific needs and lifestyle. But we're not the only ones who understand the value of a knowledgeable, reliable mobility equipment dealer -- one of the reasons we can confidently distribute our wheelchair vans and wheelchair lifts through our network of dealers is because of the high standard of quality which has been developed for mobility dealers over the past several decades.
NMEDA was founded for and by dealers of wheelchair vans and other mobility equipment with that goal as its mission. Members of NMEDA include mobility dealers, mobility equipment manufacturers (such as BraunAbility), and driver rehabilitation professionals, working together to improve the quality of the products and services consumers receive. Together, we have helped to improve the quality of the services dealerships provide -- and in return, both manufacturers and consumers benefit.
NMEDA facilitates and encourages mobility dealers to adhere to the high standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as well as frequently-updated NMEDA guidelines. NMEDA also offers Quality Assurance Program (QAP) accreditation to dealers, with the goal of continuing to advocate for the highest possible standard of quality for adaptive & mobility equipment dealers. You can read more about this program and how it has enhanced dealer performance at NMEDA's website.
The internet has made a wealth of information available to people researching all types of products, mobility equipment included. There are a multitude of sites available with useful, helpful information that can assist you. For example, BraunAbility provides in-depth depictions of the various features of our wheelchair vans and wheelchair lifts as well as details about the vehicle conversion process and considerations to help you determine which solution will work best for you. NMEDA also has a large number of helpful resources available on their website. You can find information about auto manufacturer rebates, resources to assist you in securing funding for equipment, guides for families needing different types of mobility solutions, and more.
However, even with this wealth of information available, it's difficult to know if a product such as a customized wheelchair van will work for you before you've physically tried it out. Visiting a certified dealer allows you to experience an in-person experience, and in addition, a dealer can also help you find available financing options and any additional adaptive equipment that may be necessary. That's why BraunAbility and NMEDA encourage you to visit a local retailer and learn about your options, rather than buying equipment sight-unseen online or from unknown third-party resellers. We're proud to partner with an organization that's working, as we are, to improve the industry and increase the quality that's passed on to consumers.

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